Kevin McCasky-Why Public Service?

Kevin McCasky has extensive experience in the realm of public service, having served as both County Assessor (1999-2005) and as County Commissioner (2005-2011)} of Jefferson County, Colorado at different points in his career.

A dedicated public servant with experience managing the budget and workforce of a large and heavily-populated county, Kevin McCasky understands not only the personal rewards that come with serving in such a position, but also the fulfillment that comes with working in the best interest of the people.

As Kevin McCasky knows, there are numerous advantages of taking on the challenges of a public service position, including:

Advancing the Public Good

Regardless of the position you hold, or whether that position is the result of an election, appointment or interview process, the chance to serve offers an invaluable opportunity to work for the public good; to make decisions and take action that helps improve and strengthen the community.

Gaining Valuable Work Experience

Working for the public, and often times in the public eye, can provide the skills and hands-on experience you need to advance your career, whether that be in the public service realm or in the private sector.

The Opportunity to Learn, and to Network

As public service organizations often tend to be fairly large in scale, the opportunity to learn, and to network is abundant for the public official.

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