Kevin McCasky – Three Considerations When Pursuing Capital Investors

Kevin McCasky has enjoyed a successful career as a strategic leader, with one of his major accomplishments being the ability to attract more than$1 billion in capital investments to Jefferson County in Colorado. He knows there isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to attracting capital investments, as each situation is different. However, there are basic elements that are similar in almost all cases. Many institutional investors point them out when evaluating a business proposal.

Is it a product or company?
With heightened levels of innovation witnessed through modern startups, this question is becoming increasingly relevant. Indirectly, the investor wants to understand which direction the product development process can take. They want to know whether the solution can be refined to include additional features that can appeal to customers.

In contrast, a company requires much more resources to remain operational, and thus the investor will be looking to understand their level of involvement in such a setup.

What’s the market?
With the popularity of cloud computing, open source software and other online tools, startup companies are able to reach bigger markets through the Internet. They have also become more efficient in developing solutions, and as such, may not require a lot of capital.

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Management experience
For obvious reasons, a business idea that is backed by individuals with management experience is always a positive thing, since it communicates to the investor that it is a credible venture. But still, many ideas have been brought to fruition by individuals lacking previous experience, which means that investors shouldn’t shy from believing in a good idea.

Kevin McCasky has helped foster the entrepreneurial environment in Jefferson County over the past decade.

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Kevin McCasky ; You Can Make the Community a Better Place

Kevin McCasky is a devoted community volunteer who regularly donates his time and skills towards helping those in need in Jefferson County. As a former County Commissioner, he’s been involved in various projects that aimed at helping the disadvantaged in the community.

While modern lifestyles are busier than ever, and more people have turned their attention to working hard for their goals. Such aspirations are commendable, but along the way, the desire to help others in need gets pushed down the list of priorities.

It’s not all bad though as there are individuals out there who believe wholeheartedly in giving unconditionally to the community around them. They believe that the more you give without expecting in return, the better you will ultimately feel deep inside. The outpouring of love and support to others returns to you in various other ways and leads to a healthier and happier life in the long run.

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If you are a generous person, then you know the impact of showing genuine care and compassion to people throughout the community. By demonstrating kindness and love, you change a person’s view of life. You strive to be of service at all times, and in doing so, create a better life for the people around you. It’s not always going to be easy, but the work itself satisfies more than material benefits would.

You don’t need lots of money or time to donate towards good causes. A willing heart is all that’s needed. Look around you. Where can you start helping today?

Kevin McCasky is a motived professional who works in the best interest of his community.


Kevin McCasky – Why Investors Should View Colorado as a Favorable Business Destination

An experienced strategic leader who has served as Jefferson County Commissioner, Kevin McCasky knows he can talk all day long about the benefits investors stand to gain by investing in Colorado. The state continues to attract companies in all economic sectors on a yearly basis. For example, Colorado is home to a hardworking people, and there is access to world-class learning facilities and laboratories. Plus, the following facts should help give you a better picture of Colorado’s potential.

  • It is the number one state when it comes to providing private aerospace employment.

  • Colorado is third among states with the highest concentration of high-tech workers.

  • It ranks fourth among all states in fostering start-ups.

  • It is the fourth ranked state when it comes to high-tech performance.

  • It ranks among the top five states that embrace science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) to drive the economy.

Read this post also.

Additionally, there are certain industries that have helped catapult Colorado to the front of the pack. Manufacturing has been a major source of jobs since the 1950s, with factories set up for food processing, manufacture of aerospace equipment, computer equipment, electrical and transportation equipment. The presence of regional offices of several federal agencies has contributed a lot to the economy.

Tourism is another contributor to the Colorado economy. Resort towns such as Aspen and Vail attract multitudes during ski-season, while the state’s mountains and scenery help bring in many more visitors year round.

Kevin McCasky has worked in Jefferson County, Colorado for much of his career. He enjoys bird and wildlife watching.

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Kevin McCasky: Leadership vs. Management

During his keynote speech at the IB Annual Conference a few years ago, Richard Gerver stated that he always tries to hire people who don’t need to be managed. The fact that so much energy can be conserved as a result of not having to do the three things listed above means that it can be converted into the energy of inspiration, which I see as:

(1) inspiring people to push their own boundaries

(2) inspiring people to challenge norms

(3) inspiring people to reimagine what their jobs are in the first place

During his keynote speech at the IB Annual Conference a few years ago, Richard Gerver stated that he always tries to hire people who don’t need to be managed. The fact that so much energy can be conserved as a result of not having to do the three things listed above means that it can be converted into the energy of inspiration, which I see as:

(1) inspiring people to push their own boundaries

(2) inspiring people to challenge norms

(3) inspiring people to reimagine what their jobs are in the first place

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