Kevin McCasky: Eating Right As A Cancer Survivor

Kevin McCasky is a cancer survivor and he wants to keep his mind and body healthy. One of the best ways to do that is by eating healthy. A healthy diet is important for everyone, but especially those who have or have had cancer. If you are trying to eat right as a cancer survivor, consider these suggestions


You should be eating a variety of foods from all different food groups. This will ensure that you get the nutrients you need and are consuming a balanced diet. If you have certain restrictions, talk to your doctor about your options.

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Eat Less Fat

Fat is not good for you. It is okay to eat unsaturated fats, but if you are recovering from cancer you should focus on eating fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Fats can also cause bloating and cramping which can be difficult to deal with when your body is already in recovery.

Drink Plenty Of Water

It is important to drink plenty of water as a cancer survivor. Drinking water will prevent you from dehydrating and also help give you energy and make you feel better throughout the day. Keep a bottle beside you at all times to sip on.

If you are a cancer survivor like Kevin McCasky and are trying to eat healthier, consider adding some of the above foods to your diet regularly. The healthier you stay, the better your chances of fighting other disease and the better you will feel.

For more information visit this blog of Kevin McCasky.

Kevin McCasky: Staying Positive After Surviving Cancer

Kevin McCasky is a cancer survivor who has a new look on life after his recovery. It isn’t always easy to stay positive, even after surviving cancer. If you are a cancer survivor or you know a survivor who is struggling to stay happy and have a good outlook on life, there are some things you can do to help.


When you are a cancer survivor you need to keep your body healthy and exercise can help you do that and improve your mood. People who exercise regularly are less likely to suffer from depression and more likely to have a positive outlook on life.


If you are feeling sad it is always a good idea to talk to someone. You need to be able to socialize to express yourself and feel close to other people. Make an effort to spend more time with family and friends.

Visit for the similar post.

Eat Right

The things you eat can have a big impact on the way you feel. If you don’t eat right your won’t feel right and food and diet can even affect your mood. If you aren’t feeling like yourself, consider changing up your diet.

Cancer is an awful illness that can affect a person physically and mentally and Kevin McCasky knows how hard it can be to stay positive even as a survivor. If you or someone you know is a cancer survivor but you are having a hard time staying positive, the above suggestions may help.

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