Kevin McCasky: The Top Three Sectors Affecting Colorado Job Growth in 2017

Kevin McCasky is a long-time Colorado resident who spent years working with companies and businesses in Jefferson County to create new jobs for its citizens. Colorado has the lowest unemployment rate in the country as of March 2017, according to the bureau of labor statistics, and is predicted to continue to see modest growth through the end of the year. With an expected addition of 63,400 jobs through 2017 and 2018, it is a great time for anyone seeking employment.

The largest contributor to the flourishing Colorado job market is the construction industry with an increase of five-point-seven percent growth. Due to the booming Colorado housing market, the industry is expected to bring 166,000 new jobs to Colorado.

As more and more tourist flock to the beautiful state, the leisure and hospitality industry is expected to increase by nearly three-point-seven percent, adding approximately 12,100 new jobs, according to the University of Colorado’s Leeds School of Business’ annual forecast.

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Finally, the banking and financial sectors will also contribute to the Colorado job market with an estimated 5,300 new jobs being added in 2017. The industry is looking at a modest three-point-three percent growth by the end of the year.

Kevin McCasky, as the former President & CEO of the Jefferson County Economic Development Corporation, has maintained an interest in Colorado’s job growth.